Committed (Book 2) (30 Days) Read online
Page 8
The park’s coated with a fresh dusting of clean white snow. Elle’s bundled up, pink nosed and tucked into my side as we walk through the rows of trees debating over which one is perfect. Her green eyes sparkle with happiness and it makes my chest swell. “What about this one?” I ask pointing to a squat full tree. She wrinkles her nose and shakes her head.
“No. It’s too ... perfect.”
“Isn’t that what we’re looking for?” I laugh.
“I want a tree with some character. Like adopting an old dog instead of a puppy because no one else wants it. Like this one.” She points at a five foot tall tree with a hole in the branches at the bottom with her mitten clad hand.
“You want a reject tree?” I answer amused.
“It’s not a reject tree... just a tree in need of a good home.” She pleads adorably.
“Whatever you want. Just tell me which one I’m carrying up front.” The smile she beams at me is worth a sad looking tree.
“This one then.” She declares. I pull the tree from the rack and carry it to the attendant to pay for it with Elle at my heels grinning. Elle spreads a blanket over the roof of the car, cuts some twine and helps me secure our sad looking tree to the roof. Once we have it securely tied down we fold into the car. Elle rubs her hands in front of the heat vent while shivering.
“Do you have decorations?” She asks.
“Ah, nope. I don’t usually get a tree.”
“What do you do for Christmas?” She questions.
“I usually fly to Arizona to see my parents.”
“Won’t they expect you this year? Won’t they be sad you aren’t coming?” I can see the panic and worry in her eyes.
“Elle. Relax. I’ve talked to them. In fact, they’d like us to visit after our trip if you’re up for it.”
“You’ve told them about me? They want to meet me?” She asks hesitantly.
“Yes and yes. Why is that so hard to believe?” She turns her head and stares out the window briefly.
“I don’t know. I just, I feel bad, I didn't even think of them with the holidays coming up of course you should go home to visit. I’m sure they miss you.” I reach over and rest my hand on her thigh.
“Hey. They’re fine, they completely understand and they’re happy I’m so happy. They can’t wait to meet you. Now, do we need to stop at Wal-Mart for decorations?” Turning her face back to mine she nods once. This year is first she’s spent with no family to share it with. There’s no way I’m leaving her alone. My parents were surprised to hear about Elle and the subsequent hardship we endured but beyond asking if I was really sure I knew what I was doing and that she was truly worth it, they were happy for me and excited to meet Elle in the near future. My mom said that any woman who made my smile visible through the phone needed to be met in person. “Wal-Mart it is then.”
She walks ahead of me up and down the aisles of ornaments. Every once in a while something catches her eye and she picks up a box, inspects it and if it meets her approval sets it in the cart. She hums along to the music playing in the store while she shops and it’s about the most delectable thing I’ve ever seen. How is it possible for someone to be so captivating while shopping in Wal-Mart?
“What about these?” She holds up a clear box with some various glitter crusted bulbs in it.
“Sure.” I answer absentmindedly.
“Colin, are you even paying attention?” She scolds.
“I was watching you. I’m a dude, decorations are your thing.”
“Oh, I see. What is dude territory?” She tosses a hand on her hip and waits for my answer.
“You know... like fixing things and cars... your stuff is decorating trees and the house and telling me what needs to be fixed.”
“How exactly does this work?” She laughs.
“I will set up the tree stand and put the tree in it. I will also, of course, string the lights so they are appropriately done. You get to pick out decorations and then tell me where they’re supposed to go. Then, we have hot sex while you tell me how awesome my tree stand and lighting abilities are.” The laugh that escapes her luscious mouth is boisterous and full of amusement.
“Fine, that sounds fair enough....for now.” She tosses one more box of ornaments into the cart before announcing we’re done and heading to the registers.
Colin refuses to let me help him carry the tree up the flight of stairs to his apartment and I can’t help but giggle watching him curse under his breath as he struggles to get the tree through the door. I hadn’t even thought about him potentially spending the holidays with his family and I felt terrible knowing that he was skipping out on Christmas at home because of me. It had floored me that his parents know about me and left me wondering how much he told them and what their thoughts were on our relationship.
I set the tree stand down in the corner of the living room and let Colin continue on with his tree determination until he finally breaks down and asks me for help. Chuckling I acquiesce and hold the tree for him as he tries to tighten the screws into the base. Stepping back from the tree together we both bust out laughing when we realize it leans haphazardly to the left. It takes us a few tries but eventually we get it standing as straight as it’s going to get. As promised Colin strings the lights on the tree while I make some peppermint mocha hot chocolate for us. The muscles in his arms ripple with movement as he lights the tree. He bites his bottom lip and gets a determined look on his face as he concentrates on his actions. It’s so hot. He’s so hot. A wave of awe rushes through me as I watch his movements. The poor tree has gaps in the branches near the bottom no matter which way you turn it but it’s perfect in its imperfection and I love it.
“There.” He states. I turn, our mugs in hand, and meet him in the living room.
“So pretty. I love Christmas trees all lit up.” Colin grins at me, takes his mug from my hand and kisses my temple.
“Glad you like it babe.” Taking a break to enjoy the hot chocolate we chit chat about Christmas traditions in our households growing up and what each other’s expectations are for the perfect Christmas morning. Eventually we settle on opening no present Christmas Eve instead, hosting a dinner for friends and saving all presents for Christmas morning. We sit on the floor together opening all the ornament boxes while listening to Christmas music and finally start decorating the tree. By the time we’re finished I have two brilliant present ideas for Colin.
“What’s with the shit eating grin?” He pokes my side and chuckles when I jump.
“Oh, nothing.”
“You’re a terrible liar.” He teases.
“True story.”
“You really aren't going to share why you’re all smiles?” He asks incredulously.
“Nope. Top secret for two more weeks.”
“Well at least now I know it’s about presents.” He flirts.
“How do you figure?”
“What else would be exactly two weeks away and top secret.”
“Busted.” I sing playfully. Colin scoops me into his arms and plops us down on the couch to admire our handy work. “The tree really does look amazing. Last year my Christmas was pretty awful.”
“Well this year will be good enough for two then.” He says absentmindedly toying with my hair. I let the back of my head meet his chest and silently count my blessings. This year is already leaps and bounds better than the last. I hop up off the couch, giving Colin a chaste kiss before heading to the bedroom, tugging on some yoga pants, one of his sweatshirts and making my way back to the living room turning off lights as I go.
“How about we watch A Christmas Story?”
“Excellent idea babe.” He tugs me to the couch. Tucking my legs up under me I snuggle into the crook of his arm and let out a soft sigh. “Love you.” He kisses the top of my head and tags the remote, flipping through channels until we find one playing the movie and settling in. “Love you too.” All is right in the world, right now, in this moment.
“Brilliant idea. Seriously. This is going to be so amazing.”
“Ok so it’s not over the top? He’s not going to wish he got a new Xbox or something right?” Elle asks nervously.
“Hmm, a house or an Xbox. Let me think.” I tap my head obnoxiously. “I think he will be floored. You know he wants to live together. You know he wants a house on the water like you do, how could this not be perfect?”
“Well I don't know. I just don't want him to be angry. The apartment is too small, I have the money and I want a home but I don't want him to feel like he can’t provide or any of that testosterone fueled crap.” She whines.
“Elle... come on. Call the realtor and let’s go house shopping!” Elle’s face finally breaks into the smile I was hoping to see and she picks up her phone to make the call. An hour later we’re on our way to see three houses in her price range situated on the beach.
The first stop is a three bedroom and two bath house near the cottage she rented before. There’s a large great room with vaulted ceiling and ceiling fans throughout the house. The master bedroom has a large walk in closet and master bath has a separate shower and garden tub. The kitchen is large with an eat in area plus a formal dining room. There is a huge bonus room that can be used as an office or bedroom over the garage with a large storage area in the attic. The two car garage is well laid out with cabinetry for lots of storage. The home also has a nice screened in porch off the back with a patio overlooking a small backyard and the ocean. I think it’s amazing but Elle wants to see more so we head off to the next location.
House number two is a wonderful three bedroom and two full bath ranch home with an ocean view is priced to sell. The home has a beautiful front porch great for relaxing in rocking chairs and a patio out back. It has open floor plan which would be great for entertaining and comes with vaulted ceilings, fans and custom lighting throughout the home. All of the bedrooms are very spacious and come with tons of closet space. The kitchen comes with all the appliances and has tons of cabinet and counter space a cook could ask for. Elle and ask the realtor for a moment alone and wander through the house together. Stopping in the master bedroom she opens one of the windows and listens quietly for a moment. The breeze is frigid but the sound of the waves lapping the sand can be heard loud and clear.
“I love this one.” She gushes.
“It’s totally perfect. Colin would love it. It’s still close enough to the shop and gym that you could walk if you wanted too.”
“You’re sure he’d like it right?”
“What’s not to love about this place. It’s got the patio, the front porch...even one more bedroom then you were looking for. The price is amazing for the location and it doesn't need any work!”
“Have you considered being a realtor?” Elle laughs. “‘Cause you really know how to sell a house.”
“I’m just saying, this place has all the things on the list you rattled off.”
“True. I think maybe it’s offer time.” Her eyes sparkle with excitement and I feel like squealing but know I need to check myself. I’m not buying the house, Elle is but it’s so exciting knowing that she will be a permanent resident close by. It’s a new start for her and I’m really happy for it. We find the realtor on her cell phone in the living room and patiently wait for her to finish her call.
“What do you think? Want to see another one?” She asks.
“I, ah, I’d like to make on offer, full asking price on this one.” Elle wrings her hands together as she speaks. This is a big deal for her and I can feel the nervous tension radiating off her. I toss my arm around her waist and give her my most encouraging smile.
“Wonderful! Let’s get the paperwork going then.” Her realtor elates. Elle and I follow behind her in my car back to the office to get the ball rolling. I am beside myself with excitement and Elle looks like she might throw up.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’ve just never purchased something so....substantial on my own before. It’s kinda scary.” She admits.
“You have the funds. You’re an adult and you’re free to make your own choices in life. Live it up Elle. This is a great investment.” I coddle her.
“I know, I know. You’re right. I just want this to be perfect. I’m being ridiculous.”
“You’re being a responsible woman, of course it’s nerve wracking but it’s also super freakin’ exciting! I don't know how I’m going to keep this to myself for two weeks.” Elle laughs and the tension around her visibly reduces as we hop out of the car and start inside.
“You’re right. This is freaking exciting and I can totally afford it, especially with the sale of the house last week… so I don't know what I’m so worked up over.” By the time we head out the realtor thinks that within a couple days’ time we can be under contract if all goes according to plan.
I punch first, duck and hit him right back after he swings. When he dances around me and counters, I fake a punch, slip away and then smack him. Stepping straight in with an authoritative jab I quickly change my head level and duck down to hit my opponent with a hard right hand to the stomach. Hitting right at the top of the stomach hurts the most so Colin says. I try relax, breathe and not get intimidated or caught up in the moment. I let the other boxer do all the work. Not every punch has to be a knockout punch I remind myself.
“Don’t wait for your opponent to finish punching you before you fire back. If he starts to tee off on you, unload your hands quickly and break up his combo right away and move out.” Colin yells. “Don’t just sit there in a defensive position.” The rowdy guy has already hit me with two punches and plans on throwing more so I start throwing back right away. I throw quick punches to break up his focus as best I can and move away.
“STOP!” Colin yells. The burly looking man drops his hands as do I and we both turn to face Colin. “Elle, go cool down, I think that’s good for today.” Big burly man fist bumps me and shoots a lopsided grin at me before exiting the ring. I crawl out and head to the treadmill for a five minute cool down walk, while toweling the sweat from my brow and neck. I’ve improved so much since I came back I impress myself. Giggling at the thought a towel swats my ass.
“What’s so funny Ms. Parks?” Colin teases.
“I was laughing at myself.”
“I don’t see anything to laugh at.”
“I impressed myself today. Then I thought that’s pretty ridiculous to think of yourself and it made me laugh.” I explain trying to not sound like a lunatic.
“You should be impressed you did awesome today. Hell, I’m impressed.” He beams.
“You’re just saying that because you’re the teacher.” I joke. He pulls the rip cord from the treadmill making it halt suddenly and catches me as my step falters. “No, Elle, I mean that. You’re amazing.” His hazel eyes bore into mine as if he’s trying to will me to accept his words. I kiss his cheek and snort before pushing out of his arms and letting him know I’m going to shower and change.
As is routine now he walks me to the shop, kisses me and waits until I’m safely inside before heading back to the gym. I take a few minutes getting everything up and running before heading out back to put the finishing touches on some arrangements for the display case.
The day passes quietly with a steady stream of people entering and exiting. Some looking, some buying and some curious window shoppers. By six thirty I’m out back touching up my make-up and hair. Colin should be here shortly to pick me up. John, his new lady friend Sarah, Ben and Jenna are meeting us at the local bowling alley for a night of drinking and ball rolling. Bowling’s never really been my thing but I’m not terrible and the guys all seem to really enjoy it so we agreed that this Thursday we’d make an exception to our try something new night and hit the bowling alley. The bell above the door chimes letting me know that Colin’s out front waiting on me.
“Be right out!” I call. I scoop up my purse, throw on my coat, lock the back room door and greet Colin
with a fierce hug.
“You’re chipper. Good day?” He asks bearing that killer dimple.
“Yup. Plus we get to see everyone tonight.” He leans down stopping a centimeter from my lips and smiles teasingly. Before he has a chance to hold out on me any longer I push up, grabbing the back of his neck to pull him the remaining distance and let my lips crash into his passionately. His lips are cold from walking here and he tastes like mint.
“Don't start what you can't finish little lady.” He growls in my ear as his lips move across my jaw line inching down my neck.
“Who says I can't finish?” I tease trying to keep my wits about me. His lips are delightfully distracting.
“We have places to be.”
“Let’s go then!” I chirp and pull away from him. The look on his face is priceless, like a little kid who’s candy’s been taken away.
“Tease.” He jokes.
“How do you know? The night’s still young.” I wink and head to the door leaving him cursing under his breath about bowling.
This is our last Thursday night gathering for the month. Christmas is a week away and I have barely been able to contain the excitement of Colin’s gifts. I managed to put aside my nerves after going through Colin’s phone to get his parents phone number and call them. I’ve invited them for Christmas morning and they were more than happy to accept. Since I don't know them I offered to pay for their trip as a present to them as well. They refused at first but when I wouldn’t back down they graciously accepted. Colin has no idea they will be showing up and I’m really excited for him. I’m also super nervous to meet them, especially on a holiday, but I figure better now than later. The offer on the house was accepted and I will be a proud home owner in thirty days. The closing is scheduled at the end of January.