Committed (Book 2) (30 Days) Page 7
“We don't have to do this.”
“I do. Plus, we’re here. Second driveway on the right.” She points to where I should turn in. There are no cars in the driveway of the impressive house as I slow to turn in. The house is straight out of a storybook, only missing a white picket fence. “You grew up here?” I ask checking out the perfectly manicured yard.
“Mmhmm. I loved it here.” She says softly.
I let her lead the way up the porch to the door. She twists the knob but it’s locked.
“Well, we can have Joe get a key. Let’s go.”
“Just wait here.” She says. I watch her disappear around the porch and anxiously wait at the door. I have a bad feeling about being here.
I climb through the window in the guest room, careful to shut the window behind me and move to the door. It looks like Ryan left in a hurry, there are no pictures on the walls in the hall anymore and there’s random papers scattered about the floor. I round the corner to the entryway and stop as all the breath leaves me. The living room is barren except for trash littered on the floor. All of my furniture, all of my parents antiques, everything is gone and I start to panic. I stumble to the door and let Colin in.
“What’s the matter?” He asks brow furrowed.
I turn and survey the room, “It’s all gone. He took everything.” I rasp. I register Colin’s arm come around my shoulder but I’m still focused on the empty room in front of us.
“Maybe we should go Elle.”
“No.” I move towards the dining room with Colin at my heels. There is no table, no chairs, my grandmother’s hutch is gone and all the linens are strewn about on the floor. I force myself forward to the kitchen. As I step through the threshold my hand snaps to my mouth as I gasp. There on the island sits a cutting board with a meat cleaver stabbed through my face in one of our wedding pictures. The sink is plugged and full of water. In it floats all of my and Ryan’s wedding pictures. They’re all ripped in half and soaking in the full sink. Colin’s sharp intake of breath brings me out of my fog.
“Elle, don’t touch anything.” He instructs. I nod and move carefully around the kitchen. The cabinets are all bare. My great grandmother’s china is gone along with everything else. My pictures. I turn on my heel and dart to the stairway. I hear Colin call my name but I forge on up the stairs and into my old bedroom. I tug the closet door open, push onto my tip toes and swipe my hand on the top shelf. Nothing. I swing around searching frantically for the box that contains all the pictures I have of my parents and sister.
The room is void of anything. He even took my dresser. The depressions in the carpet still fresh from where the furniture had been. “Elle.” Colin calls from the door as tears start leaking from my eyes. I push past him and search the guest room, and office but neither have anything to offer. I swing the bathroom door open and gasp as my legs buckle under me and I collapse to the hard tile floor. The bathtub is full of water and the box of pictures sits on the floor in front of me empty as all the pictures I have of my family float ruined in the tub. Sobs wracked my body as I crawled to the tub and fished out the soggy ruined memories and clutched them to my chest. Colin’s breathing is steadfast as he cradles me to his chest and lets me cry. “I’m so sorry Elle.”
“It was all I had left. It was all I had left of them and he took it all.” I fist his shirt in my hands trying to climb inside of him and forget everything I’ve just seen.
It takes an hour before I’m able to collect myself enough to leave. Colin called the police and took pictures to send to Joe. We filed a report for all the missing items of worth or importance and then finally were able to leave. I called a realtor on our drive home to talk about listing the house. There was no reason to hold onto it anymore. Every wonderful memory that had lived there had been violated and torn apart. Colin remained silent unless I asked him something. He absentmindedly rubbed my thigh or held my hand but let me have the quiet I needed to process everything.
“Elle, wake up. We’re home.” We’re parked and Colin’s at my door gently stroking my face. I yawn, stretch and take his hand. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” I mumble still groggy from my nap.
“You needed it.” His hand comes to the small of my back as he ushers me in the door and to the bathroom. “Why don’t you take a bath and relax. I’ll take care of dinner, yeah?” He brushes his lips across my temple and a sigh falls out of me.
“Alright.” I start the water before wandering into the bedroom to grab one of Colin’s tee shirts to slip into afterward. Lowering myself into the tub I let the sting of the hot water remind me that I’m still alive, safe and loved. I should count my blessings. I lay in the tub letting the warmth from the water soak into my bones. Colin knocks lightly before coming in and handing me a glass of wine and leaving. He really is incredible. How would I have possibly made it through all this without him?
Finishing my wine I set the glass down on the toilet seat and climb out of the tub. Drying myself off I pull Colin’s tee shirt over my head letting it fall to the tops of my thighs, run a brush through my hair and wipe the smudged mascara away.
I find Colin on the couch clicking through channels aimlessly. He looks up and grins at me. His dimple makes him look boyish and mischievous. “Thank you.”
“For what?” He asks.
“Being you. You’re wonderful.” I crawl into his lap, head resting on his chest.
“Love you too babe.” I let myself melt into as his arms come around my back and hold me firmly to him. “You’re not alone Elle. Even if you’re lost you can always be found.”
The buzzer rings before I have a chance to process his words breaking the moment.
“That would be the delivery guy.” I hop off him letting him up and watch him saunter to the door. His jeans hang low on his hips and cling just right to his perfectly formed ass. When he reaches for the door knob his tattoo peeks out from his shirt sleeve making me grin.
“Wings.” He clips setting the box down on the coffee table. “I hope that’s alright.”
“Nicely done.” We dig into dinner before spending a low key night on the couch together with a movie.
“I am so excited!” Elle laughs at my enthusiasm but really, this is big stuff. It’s the grand opening of the Friendshop and the place looks and smells incredible. Buckets of flowers line the walls and the tall coolers are filled with beautiful pre-made arrangements.
“I’ll be right back.” Elle calls pushing open the door of the shop carrying the chalk board to the sidewalk and setting it up. The bell above the door chimes as she re-enters.
“You’re totally framing the first dollar you get right?” I ask.
“Oh! That’s a brilliant idea.” She smiles warmly as she rounds the counter meeting me at the register. She takes a seat on the stool and looks around.
“I still can’t believe it. That this is mine.”
“Well believe it. You’re going to be great!”
The bell chimes again and both our heads snap to the door. John waves, smiling and pulls out an arrangement from the cooler before coming to the register.
“John!” Elle laughs. “You don’t have to buy anything.”
“I have a date tonight.” He winks.
“Get out!” She squeals.
“Not without my flowers.” He chuckles.
“Who’s the lucky lady?” I ask.
“Her name is Sarah. She’s been coming to gym for a week now.”
“Oh, Sarah’s super cute.” Elle says knowingly.
“I can't believe you still train.” I tell Elle.
“I like it. Plus, the place is packed with good looking men.” She winks at John.
“Yeah well, my idea of exercising is jumping to conclusions, carrying things too far pushing my luck.” John and Elle both chuckle at my pathetic workout life. I had given up training at the gym pretty quickly but I just don't enjoy sweating that much. Elle hands John his change. “Good luck ton
“Thanks lady. See you Thursday?” He questions.
“You know it.” Elle and I say in unison.
Thursday night’s had become our favorite day of the week. The five us got dressed up every week and went to a new restaurant or bar to keep trying new things. Elle had suggested it and it had morphed into a weekly tradition that we all enjoyed. I reach around Elle and open the drawer of the register, pulling out the first dollar bill, I set it on the counter while she closes the drawer and fish around my purse searching for the frame I got for this very occasion.
“Here.” I hand her the frame.
“You have a frame for this in your purse?” She giggles.
“I come prepared.” She opens the back of the frame, places the dollar in it and closes it back up.
“Where should we hang it?” She asks searching around the shop. I snag the frame from her and hang it on the nail that I’d pounded into the wall earlier while she was busy arranging flowers.
“Seriously...what haven’t you thought of?” She gawks at me.
“What? I thought about this for a while.” I shrug making her laugh.
“‘K, I gotta jet, lunch breaks over but text me when you close up and let me know how you did today!” I fold myself around her in a hug before kissing her cheek and darting back to work.
I’d woken Elle up a little early today so that we’d have time to workout before she went to the shop for the grand opening. Her excitement was adorable. I had three clients and a class today so I couldn't be with her for the opening but I had special plans for celebration later on. Jenna had texted Ben and I after spending her lunch break with her saying that she’d had her first customer and she wanted all the dirty details of Sarah. I laughed at the message secretly fist bumping John for being such a cool guy and good friend.
Elle’s house has been on the market for two weeks and has already had two offers. It’s obviously hard for her to part with the house, since she’s turned down both offers holding out for ‘the right one’ but she seems to be doing better with it as each day passes. I grab my bag, say night to Ben and walk down the block to the Friendshop.
Standing outside the window I watch as Elle rings people up and talks animatedly with a warm smile. Watching her steals my breath. It never fails to amaze me that something so stunning and resilient is mine. The December breeze is harsh and I pull my collar up around my neck. I shake the thoughts from my head running a hand through my hair and push through the door.
The bell chimes alerting everyone that someone’s come in. That was my idea. If Elle’s in the back I want her to know every time that door opens. I also make her keep her handgun under the register just in case. She thinks I’m overbearing and insane but her safety is important and I can’t be with her twenty-four-seven so she graciously bites her tongue and does what I ask or suggest without complaint. Emerald green eyes find mine and her face lights up in a big smile as a few customers pass me to exit. I stop at the cooler and pick out the largest arrangement she has and carry it to the counter.
“Colin.” She giggles.
“What do I owe ya?”
“Oh come off it. You don’t need to buy anything.” She laughs.
“Ya, but see I have this wicked little thing at home who just adores flowers and this will really make her night.” I waggle my brows at her.
“Oh? Is she pretty?” She flirts.
“Is she funny?”
“The funniest.” I admit.
“Does she treat you well?”
“The best.” I answer.
“Hmmm,” she taps her temple mockingly. “Since your answers were all so perfect, that particular arrangement is half off today.” She chuckles. I dig twenty dollars out of my pocket and hand it to her. When she reaches out to take it I lock my hand around hers and pull her half over the counter between us until our lips are almost touching.
“Colin.” She breathes startled. I lean in claiming her mouth and let my tongue slip between her lips to play and explore. When I pull away she’s breathless and glassy eyed.
“Thanks for the flowers.” I turn and head out so I can drop the flowers off at home before coming back to walk her home after she closes up.
I jack the heat up after dropping my bag at the door and setting the arrangement on the kitchen island. I have just enough time for a quick shower and to change before getting back to Elle.
“So, how’d you do?” He asks genuinely interested.
“Not too bad actually. I banked about a hundred dollars.” I laugh.
“Hey, for your first day I think that’s great.” He tugs my hand causing me to bump into him and kisses my temple.
“Me too, especially for December. I mean it’s an odd time of year for people to seek out flowers.”
Colin slides the key into the lock and shuffles through the door after me blowing on his hands. The temperature really dropped off this week but Christmas is just around the corner. Searsport is beautiful with a fine layer of snow coating everything. I love snow, it makes the lights twinkle a little more magically and gives everything a feeling of peace and calm. I drop my bag on the table next to the door and kick off my boots before joining Colin in the kitchen.
“Smells good.” I say snaking my arms around his middle while he checks the oven timer.
“Homemade macaroni and cheese.”
“Yum. Did you make it?” She shoots me a disbelieving look.
“I’d love to take credit but I can’t. I picked it up from that place we ate at last Thursday.”
“Ohh, that place was delic. I can’t wait to try it.” I grab two beers from the fridge, hand one to Colin and sit at the island. Colin pulls an envelope from his back pocket and slides it across the countertop to me.
“What’s this?”
“A congratulations present.” I slide my finger under the flap, lift it up and pull out the contents. I unfold the paper and two airline tickets fall out on the counter. I glance at him but he nods for me to keep reading. The folded piece of paper outlines a trip.
April 25, 2013-Travellers Elle Parks, Colin Wilder
8 A.M. First Class departure
Paris -> Athens -> Rhodes -> Santorini -> Rome
Return Flight: May 5, 2013 8 A.M. First Class.
“We’re going to Europe?!” I squeal once I manage to digest what I’ve just read. Colin’s eyes dance with amusement as he vigorously shakes his head in affirmation.
“Holy crap Colin, this is too much! What if the shop doesn't make it?”
“You won't let that happen. I’ve been wanting to take a trip for a long time and I know you’ve never been to Greece or France yet so, why not?” I leap from the stool, crawl over the countertop and wrap myself around Colin’s hard body.
“It sounds incredible.” I breathe between kisses as I pepper his face, jaw and neck with my lips. The guttural groan that slips from him as I tighten my legs around his hips instantly makes me wet with need. “Kill the oven.” I rasp. He stumbles backwards, me still attached to him and hits cancel, before staggering us to the bedroom.
We have to reheat dinner by the time we make it out of the bedroom but it was well worth it. At nine Jenna is blowing up my phone wondering how my day ended and why I hadn’t texted her to let her know hours ago. Chuckling Colin snatches my phone from my hand, his thumbs move furiously over the screen, then hands it back. The phone immediately rings Jenna’s ringtone.
“YOU DIRTY WHORE!” She squawks.
“What?” I respond perplexed.
“You totally blew me off, then get the most amazingly awesome gift ever and blow me off again to have mind blowing sex?!” I double over with laughter and quickly check what Colin texted her. Sure enough he told her he gave me a ten day trip to Europe and that his thank you was mind altering sex.
“Colin texted that not me.” I continue laughing “But, it’s all accurate.” I s
ay smiling at him as he waits for our conversation to be done. He pretends to be irritated, pats the couch next to him and huffs.
“Jenna, tomorrow, lunch. Ok? I have a ridiculously hot man in need of attention over here.” I quip.
“Oh sure, blow me off again.” She chuckles and hangs up. I narrow my eyes at Colin playfully.
“You’re bad.” I scold but Colin just chuckles a deep husky laugh at me.
“It’s all true though.” He shrugs his innocence.
“Yeah, yeah.” I snort while snuggling into his frame on the couch. He picks up the remote once we’re settled and clicks through the channels looking for something to watch.
Elle’s standing at the stove scrambling eggs for breakfast wearing nothing but my tee shirt again. I love watching her, especially when she doesn’t realize it. She tucks a strand of hair back behind her ear and moves the eggs around the skillet as she hums softly. Sneaking up behind her she yelps when I slip and arm around her waist, so lost in what she was doing that she didn't hear my approach. The smell of her flowery shampoo intoxicates me. Turning in my arms she places her small hands on my chest and looks up at me. “You shouldn't sneak up on people.” She teases. I dip her backward making her yelp again as her hands instinctively wrap around my neck. Her laugh is light and easy as I pull her back up and brush my lips across hers.
“You prepared for picking out a tree after we eat?”
“A Christmas tree?” She asks hopefully.
“What other kind of tree would I be referring to in December?” I laugh while she rolls her eyes at me.
“Sure. That sounds wonderful.”
“Great, there’s a place in the park that usually has good ones.” I can't tear my eyes from her rear as she nods, then turns pushing on to her toes to reach the salt and pepper. My tee shirt lifts just enough to show the bottom of her perfectly formed ass. The sight instantly makes me hard. As if she can read my thoughts she calls over her shoulder, “Tree first big boy.” Her voice is sweet and playful. My lips twitch in amusement as Elle hands my plate over and slides on the stool next me at the island to eat.