Committed (Book 2) (30 Days) Page 5
Exiting the bathroom I notice three large framed chalkboards with easel stands on them.
“We thought you could stand those outside with different specials on them, you know, to draw people in.” I am so completely overtaken with gratitude that tears start leaking from my eyes.
“Everything is perfect. You all are perfect. We should celebrate tonight! Do you think everyone will be up to champagne and a picnic dinner here?”
“I think that can be arranged.” He laughs. Suddenly it hits me that I don't have a home to go home to. The cottage is gone and I ended up having to pay for the damages to the bathroom door, although I have no recollection of it being broken, the blood stain on the kitchen floor and the splatter in the entryway. Colin seems to sense my change in mood. “You’re staying with me.” He states.
“What about Jenna?” I ask hesitantly.
“Don’t you want me?” Distress written all over his face.
“That’s not fair. I just don't want to ruin things with us by moving too fast.” I say shyly.
“Elle. There’s no hope of that, ever.” He grins.
“Did you see the bathroom door at the cottage? I paid for a new one but I don't remember it being broken, I mean Mick and I were nowhere near it.”
Colin looks to the floor and shuffles his feet. “I might have put my fist through it when I couldn't find you. Elle,” His eyes come to mine, “you have to understand how helpless I felt. I couldn't find you, there was blood, I... I thought you were gone.” I cross the room and wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly to me. “I’m not gone though, I’m right here.” I smile up at him as he brushes my overgrown bangs from my face.
“Sorry ‘bout the door.” I can't help it. I burst out laughing. It’s not exactly that it’s funny, but I’m so delirious with varying emotions from the last twenty four hours that right now I could really care less about a door. “Screw the door Colin.” I giggle. His dimple pops out with his smile and he laughs with me.
It took Jenna and I both to convince Ben and Colin to go out for a while and leave us to some girl time. Neither one of the guys thought it was a good idea for us to be un-chaperoned. “They are being ridiculous.” I complain once we’ve witnessed them pulling away in Ben’s car.
“They’re worried about you.” Jenna reasons.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re fine but that doesn't mean you’re safe. We know about the death threat Elle.”
“Wine. Now. Then you spill.” I clip. She shoots me a pointed look but complies. We sit curled up on her couch for the next hour while she explains what happened here in Searsport during my absence. I feel guilty hearing how the four of them suffered and worried over me. I also had no idea that everything Joe told Colin, Colin then told Ben, Jenna and John. None of it is a secret but I really don't want people worrying over me about every little thing.
“Jenna, you realize that I endured Ryan for years. He threatened me plenty during that time. He’s a messed up person. I don't really think he’d kill me though. He wants my money, how will he get it if I’m dead? That’s not even rational.” I state.
“Elle, I’m just saying, go easy on them, especially Colin, he was a disaster without you.”
“I know. I was too.” I stare into my empty wine glass. Jenna snorts and grabs my glass refilling it for me.
“You two are so gross.” She teases.
“What? Like you and Ben aren’t all rainbows and unicorns right now too?!” The look on her face is priceless and we fall into giggles together. By the time the guys come back to the apartment we’ve packed up sandwiches, more wine, and all the appropriate glass and dishware for our picnic.
Jenna had Ben pick up a bottle of champagne on his way back and further instructed him to pick up John. They sound like a herd of elephants as the march up the stairs to Jenna’s apartment door, hot elephants, but loud nonetheless.
The look of sheer joy on Elle’s face was worth the work on this place. We’re all sitting on the floor of the shop eating our sandwiches and chips. John and Ben keep babbling on about what a pain it was to pick out paint colors because they’d wanted it to be just right and Elle quietly laughs at them. Colin watches her every move and it makes me worried that he won't be able to let go of what’s happened even though she’s back. I don't want him to smother her and ruin everything they’ve fought for. Ben glances my way during a lull in the conversation and his smile makes my breath catch. He’s so handsome it almost kills me. Without Elle there would be no Ben and I and I am eternally grateful for that day at the coffee shop when she blew into my life.
John pours champagne into our glasses as Elle speaks up. “You guys, I don't know what to say. This is the best surprise ever. I am truly blessed to have you all in my life and to call you friends. When I came here, I had no intention of making any connections with ...well, anyone. I wanted to hide and live out my life quietly alone. Colin,” she looks to him with love pouring from her, “you shocked me, literally, with a handshake and because of that, and you...I now have the two hottest male friends ever.” She winks at the boys. “And of course the sexiest boyfriend.” She giggles. “And Jenna, that stupid list was awesome but it also is the reason I met you, and I’m so glad I did. You are the closest thing I have to a sister anymore,” The hurt in her voice makes my eyes well up. “but I can’t imagine anyone filling that role outside of you. So thank you so, so, sooooo much for just being you guys!” Colin throws a hand up to stop everyone from drinking.
“Before we cheers, I just want to say that although you paid for this shop and the renovations,” We all chuckle. “There is nothing we wouldn't do for you Elle. This was your dream and after everything you’ve been through it seemed like a small thing to do for you.” Everyone nods their head agreeing with his well put words as we raise up our plastic cups and clink them together before downing the contents.
“Now, there’s one more surprise.” Colin states. Four sets of eyes turn to him as he walks behind the counter, pulls out a bag and comes back to us.
“I made Danishes!” Elle squeals with delight and snatches the bag out of his hands causing us all to burst out laughing as Colin stands there staring at her empty handed like she’s lost her mind. She really does have an insane addiction to Danishes.
How she’s not a complete disaster I’ll never know. It seems that no one can break her spirit. Even after everything she’s experienced, the abuse, being committed, abducted, her entire family dying, she’s able to love and be loved. She smiles and is caring and kind and grateful. She amazes me more and more each passing day. I can't wait until November’s over and she’s actually single. Knowing that she’s still legally that monsters wife makes my blood boil.
“What are you doing today?” Sweat drips down her chest drawing my eye away from her face to watch the droplet roll further.
“Meeting with Joe, then I need to try to get permits and all that jazz for the shop! I need a name.” She rambles. Her excitement level has been through the roof since showing her the shop.
“Want company?” I ask.
“Colin, you can't babysit me. I’m fine. You have clients to train.” The dagger’s she’s shooting at me should make me run away but I know better. She can’t scare me.
“I’m free until three. Just let me come with.” I plead. The idea of Elle alone in public terrifies me. What if something happens or Ryan makes good on his threat. She narrows her pretty green eyes at me and wrinkles her nose in frustration.
“You’re coming whether I want you to or not aren't you?” She bristles.
“Yup.” I chuckle.
“Well get a move on it and meet me at home in an hour.” She turns on her heel and stalks out of the gym.
“Yeah Colin, get a move on. Maybe while you’re out you can find your balls.” Ben chortles at me.
“Dude. Not. Cool.”
“Seriously, you have to let her breathe.” John chimes in. I to
ss my hands up in the air at them both.
“What if something happens?”
“What if it does? What are you gonna pistol whip anyone who looks at her funny for the rest of time?” Ben teases.
“If she thinks you’re babysitting her something will happen, you being dumped.” John laughs.
“I’m glad you all find this amusing but seriously...”
“Listen, we can all keep an eye on her without her feeling like she's being smothered. Just listening to you made me want to punch you in your vagina, I can’t imagine what she wanted to do.” Ben chuckles.
“Well do either of you two douchebags have any bright ideas?”
“GPS in her phone brotha!” Ben really needs someone to knock the smug look off his face.
“Actually, that’s a good idea. She needs a new cell.”
“In your face!” John doubles over in laughter at Ben’s enthusiasm while I still maintain the idea that knocking him out would be best but can't help chuckling a little.
“Take it down a notch Ben. I gotta get going otherwise Elle might leave without me.” I turn and head to the locker room to shower while John still gasps trying to catch his breath from laughter.
By the time I get home Elle is pacing back and forth and furious with me for apparently taking too long. She’s worked herself into quite the tizzy and although I know she’s mad I can't help but laugh at her. She’s adorable when fuming.
“Seriously Colin! I’m supposed to meet Joe in ten minutes! Why are you laughing? This isn't funny!” She barks making me laugh harder.
“Sorry.” I cough and try to shut up. She sighs and glares at me. “Ready to go?”
“Oh my God! Yes.” She squawks.
“Ok then, let’s get out of here!” I chuckle. She rolls her eyes at me and storms out the door. I manage to pull myself together and catch up to her just before she makes the left onto the main drag.
“Elle. Come on babe. Wait up.” She falters mid step and slows, waiting for me.
“Don't laugh at me when I’m upset.” Her arms cross over her chest and her bottom lip pops out.
“I’m sorry, you’re just really, really cute when you’re mad.” I grab her hand and twine our fingers together.
“I’m not supposed to be cute, I’m supposed to seem menacing.” She huffs.
“Totally menacing, you are scary when mad.” I toss my free hand up in retreat. Her lips twitch. “I’m going to walk you to the door, then I need to run an errand.”
“Oh?” Her head tilts to the side exposing her neck and I want to taste the skin there.
“Yeah, what time are you done with Joe?”
“Um, I think probably an hour.” She says.
“Great, see you then.” I grab her face between my hands and kiss her until she's gasping for air. “I love you.” She stares up at me with those intoxicating green eyes and smiles. “I love you too.” I watch to make sure she's inside the building before taking off for the Sprint store a couple blocks over.
“Joe, you never should have told him. He watches me like a hawk. I can’t take it!” I vent.
“He worries Elle.” He chortles at me.
“I know but come on.”
“Listen we need to go over your case, let’s go over the proceedings for the divorce hearing and then we can organize everything else to build a case against Ryan and your sister’s death.”
“Ok.” I blow out a breath.
The anniversary of Jenny’s death is the same week as the divorce hearing and both are rapidly approaching. My anxiety level is through the roof. I want this month to pass without incident but I know that won't happen. I’m thankful that I have getting the shop up and running to distract me. Joe easily fills our hour together and we have a strong case to plead to the judge on why, even though Ryan refuses to sign divorce papers, he should allow it to happen. Joe found some rather incriminating information on Mick and was able to link it plausibly to the mechanics report on Jenny’s car after the accident. Although the car had caught fire, it was noted that brake lines were fine but the master cylinder had been tampered with. The brakes had failed causing her to hit an oncoming tractor trailer after swerving to avoid hitting the car in front of her. I get chills thinking about it. Mick was brought to trial three years ago for using the same technique associated with someone else’s death. The charge didn’t stick, but with Ryan hiring him, what Mick had said to me about ‘ending up like my sister’ and the fact that Joe was able to trace a payment from Ryan to Mick shortly before her accident he’s confident that one or both of them will be held accountable for her murder.
“The other bad news is this, Ryan’s made a few cash hand offs to a man called Brick.”
“I don't know any Brick’s.” I tell Joe.
“He works for Alister Watson, he’s not a man to be messed with Elle, it looks as though Ryan owes him some money.”
“Well that could be a good thing right? I mean what if this Alister guy takes him out.”
“Elle, it’s more likely that Ryan will demand payment from you to pay off someone else. A desperate man is never a good thing.”
“I understand.” I sigh.
“As long as Ryan thinks he has power over you he’s a danger. I think it’d be best to let Colin stick close.”
“I just want to be free.” I close my eyes, tilt my head back and pinch the bridge of my nose trying to stave off a headache.
“I know.” He reaches across the desk and pats my hand. “You will be soon.” We say our goodbyes and I head downstairs feeling a discouraged.
“What's wrong?” Colin pushes off the building and quickly strides to me.
“I’m just tired of being scared. I want this all to be over with.” I let him wrap his arms around me as I bury my face in his chest.
“It will be. I’m sorry we argued earlier. How about we order Thai food and rent some movies tonight?” I hang my head back and look up to him.
We ordered way too much Thai. I was so stuffed by the time he popped in the first movie that I had to unbutton my pants to make myself feel better. Just as I snuggled into him, and got comfortable he places an iPhone box on my chest.
“What is this for?” I ask curiously.
“For you. You need a cell and I’ll feel better knowing you can touch base or I can check in with you.” He states firmly. I tilt my face to his and give him a little kiss. He is always thinking of me. Always showing me how much he cares. It still baffles me sometimes that he exists at all.
“Thanks.” I snuggle back into him as he pushes play and the movie comes on lighting the dark room.
The next three weeks fly by. I’ve been crazy busy getting everything in order for the shop opening. Jenna has been a huge help. She’s gone to all the flower markets with me and helped me set up accounts with each to buy wholesale. The smell at the markets mixed with the vibrant colors soothes me bringing me out of my winter gloom and ever mounting anxiety. The hearing is in three days and although nothing’s happened I feel watched and spooked for no reason. Colin’s been increasingly on edge but I can't tell if he’s just picking up on my feelings or if he has a bad feeling as well. He’s obsessively concerned about my safety and makes sure that I’m never alone. Jenna and I agreed on The Friendshop for the shop name. I wanted to include everyone somehow for all their efforts and it was the best I could come up with. Sure it’s a little hokey but it suits me just fine.
I finally managed to get myself to a salon and color my roots again. Colin thought I should go back to my natural color but I really liked the mahogany so I had them keep me brunette. When my hair appointment was done I was informed that Colin had called ahead and paid for a manicure and pedicure for me as a special treat. I made sure when I got home that evening to thank him properly for all his pampering. It amazes me that he even remembered I had an appointment let alone what salon it was at. He’s always doing little things that make me feel te
n feet tall and showered in love.
“I’m concerned about Elle.”
“I know baby, we all are.” Ben says softly.
“She hasn't been herself lately. She looks scared and sad again.”
“Well, what should we do to cheer her up?”
“I don't know, I’ve tried everything.” I lament frustrated. Ben takes my hands in his squeezing them gently.
“The hearing is this week. I’m sure that once it’s over, everything will be alright.” He leans down brushing a soft kiss on my lips. It momentarily distracts me from my frustration and relieves some of the tension.
“How’s Colin?” I ask.
“About as good as you. He said she's been having trouble sleeping. He looks like shit.”
“Maybe tomorrow night you guys should take him out and I’ll stay in with Elle, give everyone a break.”
“An approved boy’s night out?! Hell yeah!” He exclaims. I can’t help but laugh at him. His personality is bigger than he is but under it he’s a sensitive teddy bear and it cracks me up.
“Good, call the guys and make the plans then. I’ll call Elle.”
“Elle, let’s give the boys a break and let them have a night out. You can stay here for the night and we can drink lots of wine and watch chick flicks.”
“Sure, that sounds good.” She replies.
“Ok, so tomorrow then. Come over ‘round seven. I’ll pick up the snacks and movies, you bring wine.”