Committed (Book 2) (30 Days) Read online

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  When our bodies meet they entwine like they were meant to be one. He places a warm gentle kiss on my neck and inhales deeply as his hand snakes through my hair and holds me tight to him. Releasing my hair, he runs his fingers over the place on my neck where he just kissed and smiles. “God I missed you.”

  I kiss him with every bit of emotion that I have and lose myself in it as he kisses me back just as eagerly. “I love you.” I breathe in his ear still refusing to let go of him. His lips meet mine again in a gentle yet intense kiss. “I love you too Elle.” In one quick swoop he lifts me up and wrapping my legs around his waist I bury my face in the crook of his neck. He smells so good. My body is practically humming with need.

  Someone clears their throat and coughs once breaking our reunion. I glance behind Colin to find Jenna, Ben and John anxiously awaiting their greetings. Squealing I jump down and race into Jenna’s arms. Tears stream down her face. “I’m sooo glad you’re alright.” Her voice breaks as she squeezes me tighter. I hug Ben and John before turning around to a beaming Colin who’s carrying my bag.

  “Joe didn't want to interrupt, he said call him when you get back in town.” He tells me.

  “Well come on! Let’s go!” Jenna prompts making me laugh. We head up to Colin’s room and catch up before deciding where to eat.

  The room is clean and flowers line the window sill for me. Jenna brought a bag of clothes so I could change. I’m so happy she always thinks of everything because I don’t really want to be seen in the sad attire I’m currently sporting. Ben cracks open the minibar, handing everyone a nip before toasting me. We all clink miniature bottles laughing, and down our shots. Jenna shuttles me into the bathroom to change so we can head out. I sit at the mirror applying makeup, not that it will do any good. My blonde roots scream white trash and I look haggard and tired. The door cracks open. “Decent?”

  “Yeah.” I chuckle as Colin enters.

  “You look tired babe. We don't have to go out, I’m sure they’d understand.”

  “No, they drove all this way for me. Let’s have dinner and then stay in the rest of the night.” I concede.

  “Alright.” He says as his warm hands land on my shoulders and start kneading the stress away. I groan audibly at the strength and pleasure his fingers bring as he continues to massage my neck and shoulders. “That feels so good.” The low sexy chuckle that follows makes me want to skip dinner to find out where else his hands might wander.

  “Come on, you look gorgeous, let’s go.” He murmurs low in my ear.

  “I just need five minutes.” I tell him as he exits the bathroom. I can't help it, Colin in the flesh makes my eyes start watering. It’s been thirty five days since I’ve been able to touch him, smell him, be with him and it overwhelms me. Jenna pokes her head in and seeing my tears quickly enters shutting door behind her.

  “Shh, shh, it’s ok.” She soothes rubbing my back.

  “I know, I’m just so overwhelmed.”

  “Girl, let’s just finish the eye shadow up and get going. I’m sure you’re starving and anxious to get back here and make up for lost time.” She winks making me laugh. God I love her. Taking the tissue from her I dab my eyes and quickly finish what I started.

  All parties involved think we should just stick to the hotel restaurant because it’s safer, yet no one comes out and directly talks about the elephant in the room. That no one wants me out in my hometown while Ryan’s around. I don't feel like addressing it either really, not tonight anyways, so I keep quiet and let them believe that I agree and the hotel restaurant is probably really great.


  I can't tear my eyes off her. Her body clinging to mine after all this time had given me a raging hard on but with a receiving line waiting to greet her there wasn't much I could do about it. Her eyes were dull and she looked tired. Happy but spent. I watch her light up at some crude statement Ben makes before joining in the laughter at the table. I love her smile. She’s kept her hand in mine since we left our room and I can't get over how perfect it feels, warm and soft, in mine. I cannot get close enough to her. I keep running my eyes up and down her body to make sure I’m not imagining all this. Her green eyes turn to mine and I’m momentarily stunned stupid. “Well?” She asks.


  “Colin!” She playfully smacks my knee. “Where are you?”

  “Sorry.” I shrug.

  “Jenna wanted to know what you have up your sleeve for tonight.” John chastises.

  “Oh. Well, I don't think Elle here would like it too much if I shared those details.” Elle gasps and falls into easy laughter with everyone else.

  “Well then, Elle, since you’re from here where’s the best nightlife?” Jenna asks.

  “Hmmmm... I guess I’d say, Punter’s. You could walk from here and they have great music, dancing and drinks.”

  “Great! John, you coming with us?” Jenna turns to him.

  “Yeah sure why not.” He answers looking hesitant at being a third wheel to Jenna and Ben.

  The waiter brings our food, setting each plate down in front of the appropriate person and the table falls silent as we all dig in. Occasionally Jenna, Ben or John steal glances at Elle while she sits moaning and eating happily at my side. Everyone’s concerned still but no one wants to ruin her homecoming by bringing it up. Elle scoots her chair closer to mine and leans into me. The contact is subtle but intense. It takes all my effort to keep my hands off her.

  “Can we have dessert?” She says quietly in my ear.

  “In the room or here?”

  “Here!” She admonishes in a hushed tone. I give her my best sad puppy face but it only elicits a chuckle from her. “Here Colin.”

  “Fine, fine.” I turn to the rest of the table. “Anyone want to join Elle in dessert?” Elle laughs loudly before Jenna pipes up that she too wants dessert. No one can decide on any one item though so we end up ordering four desserts and sharing them between the five of us. I think Elle might be in heaven. She keeps giggling, squeezing my knee and then digging her fork into another plate of dessert. My chest tightens every time I see her sparkling green eyes and smile. I’ll do anything to keep her safe this time.

  John, Ben and I split the bill much to Elle and Jenna’s dismay, but we’re not the sort of guys who let ladies pay. With full bellies we sluggishly make our way back through the lobby. Elle hugs and kisses everyone again before giving them directions to Punter’s and sending them on their way. As soon as they’re out of the lobby she turns back to me, her green eyes blazing and presses her soft body into mine as she stretches up to claim my mouth. I scoop her into my arms, bridal style, making her giggle and carry her to the elevators.

  “You can put me down now.” She laughs.


  “Colin. People are staring.” She hisses.

  “Don’t care.” The doors open and still carrying her I walk in, and position her to push the button for our floor. She pushes it then brings her arm back around my neck playing with the hair at the nape of my neck as she kisses me softly. The elevator bounces gently as it stops and the doors slide open. I carry Elle to our door and wait for her to fish the room key from my pocket. I kick the door shut behind us and stand her at the edge of the bed. Her hands make impossibly fast work of the button and zipper on my jeans, with one tug they were gone. Just as fast her jeans are tossed on the floor.

  My torso is heavy on hers as my thumbs hook her underpants and tug them down. She kicks them off her ankles and wraps her legs around my waist while I kiss her ear, neck and collarbone. My fingers dip between her legs, toying with her and my groans drift into her mouth as I lay her back on the bed.


  Grabbing his face between my hands I kiss him until he moans in my mouth. “Elle.” He growls. His thumb puts pressure on my clit and my hips buck again. His hips shift and I adjust my legs around his letting him drive in. My lips part, my neck arches and my eyes flutter closed. His thrusts are driving me towards an orgasm the lik
es of which I’ve never experienced before when he pulls out. My eyes fly open. “Colin!” I hiss.

  Suddenly I’m flipped on my belly and moving backwards towards the edge of the bed. My feet hit the floor, a palm between my shoulders and I’m bent over the mattress. The pads of his fingers trace the tattoo at my ribs.

  “It’s always been you.” His voice low and heavy as he holds tight to my hips and resumes thrusting. I’m going to burst. My breathing comes in quick, short gasps. He pulls out and flips me back over, wrapping an arm around my ribs and hoists me up the bed with him. He enters slowly, taking his time. Our eyes lock and he starts rolling his hips. The buildup is too much. “Colin!” I rasp. My orgasm crashes over me as his tongue traces my collarbone lightly.

  Five seconds later with my legs tightly holding his hips, he planted his face in my neck, drove deep, and groaned my name. I love the weight of him on me. We’re both panting as I turn my face into his neck and kiss him behind the ear while I lightly trace the muscles of his back. I love the way they quiver as my fingers slide over them.

  “Give me a second.” He says while rolling off the bed. I feel the loss of his heat immediately and wonder what’s he’s doing. He steps into the bathroom and moments later I hear water running.

  In nothing but skin he stalks back to the bed, the bathroom light glowing behind him softly. He reaches out, snags my hand and tugs me up. Gathering me into his arms he carries me easily to the bathroom. “Let’s relax.” He murmurs in my ear.

  The tub is full of bubbles and he has a candle lit sitting centered on the vanity. He sets me into the water gently before flipping the light off, leaving only candlelight flickering, before climbing in behind me. The hot water is delicious and instantly relaxes me. His warm wet hands slide around my waist and draw me back against him. I rest my head on his chest and sink into his arms. “Mmm. This is nice.” I mumble suddenly feeling sleepy.

  “I planned this first but we ahh, got a little distracted.” He says softly into my ear. His warm breath makes me shiver. Reaching out he grabs the shampoo bottle and pours a small dollop in his palm. “Let me take care of you.” I pick my head up slightly and let him massage the shampoo into my scalp. His fingers manipulating all the tension from me. He scoots me forward a bit then leans my head back into the water and rinses the shampoo out. He repeats the process again with conditioner before grabbing the loofa, soaping it up and with gentle, deliberate strokes washes me toe to top. I can't remember a time feeling so adored or pampered ever before. When the soaps rinsed and I’m glistening with cleanliness Colin kisses my neck and hops out. Donning a robe he holds one out to me and helps me out of the tub.

  “You’re improbable.” I state wrapped in the robe and his arms.


  “It’s not right. You’re too perfect. I don't know what I did to deserve you.” I ramble into his chest.

  “Elle. You’re sexy, stunning, and kind. All roads in led us to each other. What’s improbable would be us not finding each other.” He kisses the top of my head and ushers me into bed.

  Snugly tucked in under the covers he snuggles into me and kisses my temple. I breathe a sigh of relief, yet again, to be back in his arms, and let his steady breathing and the dull thump of his heart beat lull me to sleep.


  I open my eyes slowly. The sky’s still velvety dark outside. I feel a warm sleep heavy arm draped across my stomach. Her head on my shoulder, her face tucked into my neck. One arm slung across my waist and a leg wrapped around my leg. Her breathing heavy and steady. Elle. I close my eyes and drift back to sleep with my girl safe and sound in my arms.

  I wake at eight and Elle is still asleep in my arms. I try not to stir too much because I don't want to wake her. She looks so peaceful and at ease. She probably needs the sleep. Waiting for her to wake up I memorize every freckle, line and divot of her face. She’s stunning and she's mine. Her lips part in the most adorable way when she sleeps forming a perfect little o shape and her breath quietly glides in and out hypnotically. Her long black lashes rest on her cheeks making her skin look creaming in contract. Her eyes fluttered open around nine. Two brilliant green orbs stare back at me.

  “Were you watching me sleep?” Her voice is still rough from sleep and it’s cute. The corners of my mouth twitch.

  “So?” I challenge.

  “That’s weird. I don't want you to watch me drool or snore or something else that might be horrific.” She chuckles.

  “You do none of those things. Don't worry.”

  “Uh huh, sure.” Her fingers grip the nape of my neck and pull my mouth to hers. We kiss lazily, just enjoying each other. “I have something for you.”

  “Oh?” She asks one eyebrow cocking. I reach below me just under the bed and pull out the box I asked Jenna to bring up with her. Elle scoots up so her backs propped against the headboard as I place the box in her lap. Her fingers trace the top of the box lingering there without opening it.

  “Well...” I prompt. She turns her head towards me and her green eyes shimmer with unshed tears. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don't know. I just... you just do too much. I’ve been so alone for the last month, alone with my thoughts, alone physically...and now I’m not. It’s just an adjustment I guess.” I pull her tightly to my chest letting the box slip from her lap and land between us.

  “Elle, It’s not too much, it’s never too much. I love you.” I push her hair over one shoulder exposing her collarbone and plant a soft kiss on it. She breaks our embrace and grinning takes the box and removes the lid. I watch as her expression changes from curious to disbelief to awe.

  She pulls out the first item turning it over to make sure it’s the original. “You kept this?” I nod and smirk at her. She sets aside the first note I ever wrote to her and pulls out the next thing; the movie stub from our first date. As she peers into the box understanding washes over her features. “You have something from everything?” She squeaks.

  “Yeah. There’s something from everything we did.” She fishes through the box laughing and asking me if I remember this or that. I love watching her face light up with happy memories. She especially loves the picture of us in the Ferrari together, claiming I have the most ridiculous grin on my face in it. As she nears the bottom I start getting tense with anticipation. She pulls out a ribbon with a key attached to it. It dangles in the air between us and her brow furrows as she tries to place what day it’s attached to.

  “Alright, I don't get this one.” She huffs and I chuckle.

  “That’s the key.” I deadpan.

  “What key?”

  “THE key.” I state.

  “THE key to what?” She hisses clearly getting irritated.

  “The key to your new shop.” This shuts her up momentarily as she eyes me warily.

  “What shop?”

  “Your florist shop, and before you throw a fit, I rented it with your technically you gave it to yourself.” Her face goes warm and soft and she blinks rapidly sputtering.

  “You rented a shop for me? I can run a florist shop?”

  “Yeah. I know you always wanted to do that...and Searsport is on the water so you can have your beach house eventually to complete the dream.” Throwing herself into my arms with such ferocity that I’m afraid she might choke me she squeals her joy and covers me in kisses. “I want to see it right away!”

  “We can stop there first when we get back.” I chuckle.

  “I love that.” She gazes at me with a small smile.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Your laugh. It’s hot.” She looks at me through long black lashes and I’m lost. She owns me.


  My heart is pounding with anticipation the entire drive back to Searsport. After showering, another romp in the hay and a late breakfast with the group everyone piled into their respective cars to make the drive home. I’ve been bouncing with excitement the whole way and Colin is having a great time poking fun at me over it. />
  “I just want to know what it looks like. What street is it on?”

  “I’m not telling you anything. You know enough for now.”

  “Seriously?! Totally unfair. I’m going to have a coronary.” She whines.

  “Relax Elle, we’re almost there.” My face hurts from smiling non-stop for the last three hours, on top of that my bladder feels like it might explode any moment but I didn't want to delay our arrival.

  Once we’re in Searsport he heads towards the gym making a right just after it. Pulling the car into a spot, on the same side of the road as the coffee shop where Jenna and I met, he puts the car in park, jumps out, runs around to my side and gets my door for me. Grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers through mine he walks me to the door of a storefront with a vacant sign in the window. The location is perfect. The streets lined with cute boutiques, a coffee shop and there is plenty of traffic and parking. The plate glass window next to the front door is huge and will give a great view to all the passerby's of what’s inside. Colin sets the key in my hand and urges me forward. I twist the key in the lock and push the door open.

  Stepping inside the first thing I notice is that it’s been recently painted. Soothing blues and greens cover the walls in an alternating fashion. Above the plate glass window is a beautiful Angela Adams print valance. Towards the back sits a large counter with a register on it and lining the walls on either side are chilled cases to keep flowers fresh. I whirl around to face Colin.

  “Did you do all this? It all looks new.”

  “Well, I had a lot of help.” He smirks.

  “It’s amazing... you guys are amazing!” He tugs my hand and drags me behind the register through a door into the backroom. It has a large bank of counters set up as an island in the middle making a perfect place to arrange flowers. Off to the left in the corner is a bathroom and to the right is a desk with a laptop, printer and lamp on it. Without thinking I dash to the bathroom to relieve myself. I can hear Colin chuckle through the door. “What? I didn't want to waste time before.” I shout to him.